Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Results may vary.
Along with losing 26 pounds, Chris's acne cleared up and he is in the best shape of his life
I first discovered Disease Proof Your Child and then found Eat To Live. They both focused on the lifestyle that I wanted to adopt for my whole family. Now, it's crazy to think that I weigh the same or less than I did in high school!
As someone who always worked out and competed in sports, I never had to think about what I ate. As I got older and other things got in the way of exercising, I gained weight fast because I ate like I had when I was regularly working out. I thought I was eating healthy as I would always make sure I ate some kind of animal protein with dinner. My days centered around eating five meals a day. Being on a high protein diet, I experienced really bad toxic hunger and called it hypoglycemia. I also suffered from adult acne and would catch a few colds every year. And it was no fun looking at myself in the mirror when trying on clothes. It was difficult for me to be out of shape while playing with my one-year-old.
It wasn’t until the birth of my second child that I realized I’m going to be in my sixties when they are in there twenties. I also remember thinking how am I going to carry my two daughters up the stairs? I wanted to be the athletic dad that could do anything with them, even at a later stage in life. So I adopted Dr. Fuhrman's Nutritarian diet, and was going to raise my two girls vegan. My parents and in-laws thought it was a crazy idea because they were afraid their granddaughters weren't going to grow up to their full potential.
I set out to prove them wrong and did. My energy level has never been better. I no longer have crazy mood swings or adult acne. I’ve lost seven inches around my waist and it’s fun to shop for clothes again. I started competing in running races again and won twice while pushing a double stroller. I have also received a Super Preferred status from my life insurance carrier. It’s fun to say that I’m 43 years old and in the best shape of my life, and my life insurance company just confirmed it.