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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Shannon's Story

Shannon picture

Results may vary.

Exercising alone didn't help Shannon, a previous world class athlete, lose weight; now she lost 45 pounds and is back in shape  

I was a world class athlete in two sports and participated in the US Olympic Trials in swimming (1984) and rowing (1996). Throughout my years competing, I ate the typical standard American diet complete with meat and dairy products of all kinds. Over the years, after retirement, I got fatter and fatter.  Over eight years I gained roughly 45 pounds.  I am 5'9" and my normal athletic weight was 130 to 140 pounds.  Two years ago I tipped the scales at 179 pounds.  I live in Issaquah, WA, and I was also suffering from seasonal affective disorder and some depression following the death of my uncle in 2008. We were very close and I served as his primary caregiver.

In 2009 and 2010 I tried to regain my fitness and lose weight with exercise alone.  I threw myself into a program where I was exercising two to three hours daily.  After a full year, I lost zero pounds. Both of my brothers were diagnosed with heart disease the same week.  I took it as a sign to get my act together and I discovered Dr. Fuhrman. Gradually I began thinking about competing again in rowing in the Indoor Rowing World Championships.  In 1997 I won a world title and held the world record.  I set a goal in my mind to return and compete in 2013 in the 40 to 49 age group.  I am currently 48.  The competition is in February in Boston and I am going to race in the LW class.  

I attempt eating my G-BOMBS daily and I work very hard to get two pounds greens in daily.  The Vitamix helps.  I am mostly vegan now, but I do eat fish very rarely, perhaps two or three times a year. Otherwise, I eat two pounds greens, one pound fruit, one cup legumes/beans daily, a scant amount of grain (we sprout now), and some nuts/seeds. My cholesterol readings are cholesterol 145; triglycerides 87; HDL 48; LDL 79. My current weight is 135 pounds and my body fat percentage is pretty low.

I have more feminine post-weight loss pictures, but since Dr. Fuhrman is a retired world class skater, I thought he would appreciate the muscularity I have achieved on approximately 50 g of vegetable source protein daily.

If I ever meet Dr Fuhrman, I would give him the biggest bear hug.  I am so thankful to him and to all of the healthy lifestyle physicians for giving my life back to me!  Thank you, thank you!  

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