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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Tracie's Story

Tracie  no longer sufferes Celiac disease and anxiety issues; and her  9 year-old son has greatly improved his learning disabilities  

My story is one of healing.  I had been suffering with Celiac disease symptoms and lactose intolerance for years, as well as anxiety, panic attacks, and SAD (seasonal affective disorder).  I couldn't get on a plane without taking Xanax. I decided to try veganism for a while and began researching to make sure it was a safe and healthy way to eat. That led me to the Nutritarian way of eating.

I watched a You -Tube video of Dr. Fuhrman speaking about the Nutritarian diet and it just made perfect sense. After learning the benefits of the Nutritarian lifestyle, I was thoroughly committed to making this my new way of eating. After a few months, I was no longer suffering with anxiety. Every symptom of my Celiac disease disappeared. I began being able to actually enjoy flying in an airplane with no need for medication! I also lost 7 pounds that I had never been able to lose before, and it wasn't even difficult because of my new eating plan.

After discovering how much I could heal my body through nutrition, I began looking at natural ways to help my 9-year-old son. Roman is adopted, and has probable FASD, (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) along with ADHD, Dyslexia and global learning delays. He had been on Methylphenidate for over three years to control his behaviors, because he was not learning and retaining information at school. I also found out his cholesterol was 356!

I decided to feed him a Nutritarian diet as well, and stop the medications. The change has been unbelievable! Roman no longer has violent tantrums. He is beginning to improve in reading and his attention span is much better. While he still has learning disabilities, I now have a lot of hope that he will reach his full potential. And his cholesterol is down to 319 in just the first 4 weeks. That's 45 points in a month! We will test his blood again in 6 months to see if it's lower. His doctor believes his cholesterol issue is genetic, but we don't know for sure. Either way, just seeing what a Nutritarian diet did for him in a month makes me believe I can get the number down to the normal range in 6 months.

I am a fitness and nutrition coach, but with my new passion for the whole food, plant-based, Nutritarian eating, I have decided to go back to school to become a nutrition practitioner. I want to help others get healthy through food too!


Results may vary.

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