Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Tools LEWIS Used:
Nutritarian Foods & Supplements Eat to Live Eat for Health The End of Diabetes WebinarsAfter viewing a Dr. Fuhrman PBS Special, Lewis adopted the Nutritarian lifestyle, now at 71 years old, he is a cancer survivor, and still works at the same job for the past 20 years.
Some time ago both my wire and I watched a Dr. Fuhrman PBS special but at different times. Over dinner I told her that I thought what he said made sense. She said she had the same thoughts. Shortly after that we purchased some of his books and videos, and we seriously started the Nutritarian life style. At that time, I was living a "normal" life with no major complaints. Several months later I was told that I had prostate cancer kleason score of 9. I elected to have the radical removal.
Then in May 2018 I was diagnosed with cancer in the salivary gland under right side jaw. This was removed. I have had 17 sessions for lesions on my left hip and 30 Proton radiation sessions on my right- side neck/jaw. Throughout all of that I have not had a bad day. Some fatigue yes, but that is it. Also, In March 1918 I tripped and fell on my front side. I had sense enough to not break the fall but to protect my head and face. However, I heavily damaged my left hand and felt as if someone had punched me in the ribs. X-rays showed I broke #5 rib. Ten days later there were no symptoms at all. Later bone scans determined that I had damaged four ribs. My healing time was very short.
I am now 71 years old and work full time. I lost 38 pounds and take numerous of the suggested supplements provided by Dr. Fuhrman. My work often requires that I am in homes and commercial building directing repairs with some hands- on work. I still do what I have done for the last 20 years. Maybe a little slower but not by much. I also work out on the bio-Density machine almost every week for nearly three years, 252- mile round trip every Friday. I stopped taking all blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol medications as testing showed that they were not necessary.
Results may vary.