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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Evelyn's Story

In her late forties NS fifties Evelyn suffered health issues including breast cancer: following the Nutritarian diet and switching to organic foods, now at the age of 70, she is in excellent health  

I am writing this testimonial to express my gratitude to Dr. Fuhrman. I am 70 years old, and thanks to his Nutritarian diet, I am in far better health today than I was at age 50.

I have always understood the importance of exercising and watching my caloric intake. I never had extra pounds. But in my late 40s, I started to have long, frequent colds, which typically included several days of laryngitis. I experienced pain in my knees when climbing up the stairs, as well as pain in my jaws when eating foods like carrots or apples. At age 52, I was hospitalized for several days with pneumonia. And at age 53, I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer.

There followed a year of lumpectomy, chemotherapy, and radiation. Fortunately, the cancer then went on remission. My husband and I decided to go on a cruise to the Caribbean to celebrate this new lease on life. We stayed at a hotel in Miami the night before boarding the ship. Watching PBS that evening, we came across a presentation by Dr. Fuhrman. This was “inspiration at first sight.” My husband, a physician, had some familiarity with Dr. Fuhrman’s work - and that evening, he encouraged me to try it. He thought it offered a promising route to stronger immunity. I was just coming out of a year of severe illness and was receptive to new ideas. During our cruise vacation, we began to put into practice what we had learned in the PBS show.

When we got back home, I bought Dr. Fuhrman’s book Eat to Live. I liked what I read. I proceeded to clear our home of crackers, sweets, and various animal products. In the past, my days had begun with a toasted bagel and jelly. I realized, after reading the book, that although I had never had weight problems, the foods I had been consuming were not supporting my immunity and were placing me at high risk of illness. I made the change cold-turkey, moving also to organic foods.

The results were evident in a few weeks . It was like magic! The arthritic symptoms in the jaw and knees disappeared. Over the subsequent years I have been in excellent health – no pains, no colds, no Covid, no other illnesses, a high level of energy. I owe to Dr. Fuhrman this impressive improvement in my health. I am writing this as a small way to pay it forward, with the hope that my story may inspire others to follow this path towards strengthened immunity and much improved health


Results may vary.

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