Revitalize Your Health with Dr. Fuhrman’s Weight Loss Detox & Challenge!
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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Mary's Story

Mary picture

Results may vary.

Ten years ago, Mary weighed  235 pounds, now after fully committed to the nutritarian diet and engaging in the weight loss challenge she weighs 125 pounds  

I first attempted the nutritarian diet 10 years ago. I was 235 pounds, hypertensive, pre-diabetic with elevated fasting blood sugars, increasing problems with upper respiratory infections, one sinus infection after another, eventually adding to this repertoire bronchitis and a frightening case of pneumonia in which I struggled to breathe. I have been a nurse since 1974. I noticed that despite my health care knowledge I was aging, heading toward disease and disability. I also recognized that my patients were worsening instead of healing. I had some experience on a cancer floor, it was so sad to see a person who appeared vital on first admission become increasingly frail. One man tearfully begged to be allowed to go home one more time. This fell on deaf ears and affected my life significantly.

Providers I saw suggested I take antihypertensive medication. I saw myself as the cancer patient becoming disabled and frail. I asked my physician to give me three  months to seek another answer. I prayed and meditated. I went to a bookstore for an answer. The most remarkable event occurred while examining books on health. A book literally fell off the shelf and landed on my big toe, ouch! I was wearing sandals. The book was my miracle answer to my lack of health and well-being. It was Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live"2011 version. I read and re-read. The science appealed to me, explanations made perfect sense, and conclusion were based on best evidenced nutritional research of the time. Seemed to be lacking in something. I continued to read Dr. Fuhrman's books, joined the membership website. I am living proof that knowledge promotes change in behavior. It took time to convert my taste buds. Today I love this eating style and would not wish to go back to my previous food addiction. That is all the current SAD diet is.

I have always loved to exercise but prior to change in lifestyle and eating habits, I continually disappointed myself, by not finding a space of time, I would not exercise because I was always hungry and afraid of the shaky uncomfortable feeling that tended to greet me. I appreciate the freedom that I now enjoy doing what I want to do and not have to say, 'Oh wait, I need food first' and then my time is gone. I read a story about a woman who was always hungry until she had gastric by-pass surgery. I am so thankful that I did not choose such a path. I can say that eating a nutrient dense diet has stopped the chronic hunger. All the health problems previously experienced are gone. Approaching my 70th birthday my blood pressure is 110/70, my blood work is normal. I had suffered from migraine headaches and eczema, this also vanished. I am not on any medications. If anyone is concerned that some of these health concerns must be genetic, let me say that my grandmother, mother, and my four sisters are on anti-hypertensives. I am the oldest of my sisters, same genetic makeup, and no drugs.

I lost 65 pounds initially but still was overweight. I realized I was a nutritarian 'wanna-be.' Every time I reached 161  pounds I would gain weight, not due to nutritarian diet style but due to lack of commitment and emotional self-sabotage. When covid occurred, I read about cytokine storm and realized that I had made wonderful changes in my life but had not fully committed to the  high nutrient dense diet, I was probably not as protected from infection as I thought. While everyone I worked with went home and ate more fast food and gained weight, I listened to an online Dr. Furman lecture that discussed how much more would it take for 100 percent commitment. This resonated with me. I made this commitment and plateaued at 155 pounds. I was provided with a wonderful opportunity and enlisted in Dr. Fuhrman's weight loss course and weight loss challenge. I still had problems with emotional eating, eating wonderful food but unfortunately you can still limit your potential with more food than required and too late in the evening. It took most of the challenge to stop emotional eating. I became more aware of whether I required fuel, food or friends, support. I modulated my eating and was able to achieve a weight of 125 ponds! New changes manifested; knee pain and insomnia were disappearing. It is so great to sleep well.

I am a whole five- foot one inch tall. I still need to lose a few more pounds but am so excited and motivated by the change in size and way I look in a mirror, even sideways! I went from a size 24 wide to a current size 8, which is beginning to be big in the waist. This is so much fun! I remind myself when going to a social event that my desire is to enjoy the company; it is not about the food. I study menus if asked to go out to eat, most often find a way to order a plain salad. I bring a collection of cut up vegetables and either homemade nutritarian dressing or ask for lemon slices and vinegar. While enjoying a meal with co-workers who liberally tease me, one of my main antagonists told me that I made the salad I ate look amazing. I told her it also tasted amazing.

Today I feel wonderful, I love to swim and often do a mile in the pool. I recently joined orange theory which promises you to amaze one-hour workouts composed of cardio and weightlifting. I met a nurse I worked with several years ago and God bless this wonderful woman she told me I was her inspiration and could not believe a woman of my vintage could keep pace with her during exercise classes.

I wish I followed this lifestyle  in my younger years when raising a family. My before picture is at 235 pounds and I am standing with my grown children. I bought each of them Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live, they are a difficult lot to convert. However, one of my daughter's recently marveled at how well and slender I look and how she cannot seem to stop gaining weight. She even has occasionally tried to follow my lead in a restaurant.

Nutritional science has opened the doors to health and I cannot stop sharing with others. I love how Dr. Fuhrman will even change stance based on new and updated findings. I currently teach at a healthcare college in the Midwest. I always find a way to discuss nutrition in every course I teach. I tell my students if they wish to improve their health journey, they should read Dr. Fuhrman's books and remind them of the titles offered to include 'Disease Proof your Child. I also love how Dr. Fuhrman discussed the importance in appreciation and gratitude. Good food and change in thinking have saved my life.

k had a beautiful student in my clinical group. Her father had a major heart attack at age 52, it was touch and go, he did survive. That Christmas the student gave her father one of Dr. Fuhrman's books. She visited with me to thank me profusely because her father read the book, implemented the information, is the current nutritional guru and cook for the family. He has lost weight and improved his ejection fraction beyond what current cardiologist thought possible.

While supervising students during a clinical day; I was saying good-bye to my group and a few of them appeared very tired. I asked one girl if she was okay and could drive safely, she assured me she was and then asked me why I not appeared tired. I have to say that I teach students one-third my age and I have three times their energy.

Thank you seems insufficient for all of you, Dr. Fuhrman, research team, customer support, counselors and more, who work tirelessly to provide life-giving assistance to people like me..


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