Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Results may vary.
After 30 depressing years of yo-yo dieting, Alisa overcame her food addiction and lost 50 pounds
I am a 51 year old post-menopausal woman who has struggled with my weight and processed food addiction my whole adult life, leading to a diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia. I have lost and gained the same 20 to 30 pounds since my twenties. Yo-yo dieting became a consistent pattern. I would deal with my diagnosis of reactive hypoglycemia by eating a snack with a protein every two to three hours to "keep my blood sugar even."
After seeing Dr. Fuhrman's lecture on PBS and hearing him explain toxic hunger, I felt like he was talking directly to me about my food addiction. I immediately downloaded his audio books Eat To Live and the End of Dieting and started listening while riding a stationary bike or would listen on long walks.
His words would resonate in my mind all through the day. I slowly began to detox from all the animal proteins and processed foods by incorporating G-BOMBS into my meals every day. I slowly began to overcome the cravings for processed foods! I no longer get moody or depressed. I have so much energy and wake up in the morning without feeling queasy like I had for years due to what I now know to be my cells detoxing.
At 5ft.4in. I weigh 111 pounds, after losing 50 pounds. My goal weight was 120 pounds, but just as Dr.Fuhrman predicted my weight continued to decrease until it stabilized at 111 pounds. I am so grateful for Dr. Fuhrman and his desire to educate people on how to live longer, stronger and disease free. I will follow the Nutritarian plan for life, as I look forward to and enjoy every single day.