Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Results may vary.
Paul beat his food addiction, lost 45 pounds, and put his gym membership to use
Have you ever known better but not practiced that what you knew? That was me. I successfully completed Nutritional Education Institute training in July 2013. I learned about the Nutritarian diet well. I knew about various phytonutrients and micronutrients, their benefits, how they are synthesized and absorbed by the body, and what foods provided them. I knew all of that information but I didn't put it in to practice. Nope, not me.
Since I was a child, I had always struggled with being overweight. My weight would cycle up and down depending upon the diet or starvation plan that I was inflicting upon myself to at the time. On the down side of this roller coaster I would binge eat (comfort myself with) very unhealthy food. I was a food addict. So, despite my training I gained a lot of weight.
It was as if for a year I could hear the sonic boom of busting through increasingly larger pairs of big pants. Somehow I ignored it all until that day when I woke up and realized that I had truly become one with the couch. Enough was enough. I was done with the hypocrisy. I then put knowledge into practice.
In June 2014, I decided to stop donating money to my gym and actually use it. The magic started to happen in August 2014 however, when I started a Nutritarian diet. G-BOMBS (greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries and seeds/nuts) became the guiding principle for composing meals. We had a large salad for dinner every night. Luckily I know how to cook and combine flavors and spices, so I made it all yummy.
With consistent but not excessive exercise and a strict Nutritarian diet I lost 25 pounds in one month. In just over three months I had lost 45 pounds. I went from being obese to being an athlete. I now have energy to burn that I didn't have before. I am more optimistic and confident. I look good in my clothes and feel great in my skin. And, at age 45, I have absolutely no need for any little blue pills.
What has been said about this diet is all true. The food is delicious, filling and very satisfying. I felt worlds better in a short period of time. I don't remember ever feeling deprived or hungry. Furthermore, I do not miss the foods that I used to eat. Of course I have the option to indulge in the comfort food I used to love, but I don't even want to. I actually look forward to eating my greens and beans, and the other healthful whole foods that are on this diet.
I am very grateful for this opportunity to share my story with you. I am so happy to have this success. It's my sincere wish for you to have your own success story. All the best and to your health!