Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Results may vary.
Unfortunately, cystic acne was the price I paid for eating the standard American diet. It was the kind of acne that hurt when I talked or moved my jaw. Although I was relatively thin, I was a typical junk food eater. I loved white flour products, processed foods, and cheese. Pizza was my food of choice, I probably ate it at least three times a week. My doctor always told me that diet had absolutely nothing to do with my acne.
I had been seeing dermatologists since I was 16 years old. I was on countless acne drugs: Benzoyle Peroxide, Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline, Duac, Erythromycin, Differin, Tazorac, Retin-A, and different birth control pills to stabilize my hormones. Because I felt I did not have any control over my acne I was depressed, and my relationships and self esteem greatly suffered. I also dealt with migraine headaches, severe acid reflux, bad allergies (hay fever), asthma, chronic bronchitis, constipation, high cholesterol and borderline high blood pressure.
In March 2011 I began the Nutritatian diet and have been consistently compliant. My skin is now completely clear, and I no longer need prescription acne medications! I also feel so much better. I never have acid reflux or migraines anymore, and my allergies, asthma and bronchitis have disappeared. I lowered my cholesterol and lost about 20 pounds (I never even knew I had weight to lose). At 5ft.2in. I now weigh about 103 pounds. I finally feel in control of my acne as well as my health.
I know what I can do to keep my skin clear and stay healthy. I know that if I eat cheese (the worst) or sugar and white flour I will break out. Even if I have it just once, I usually end up with a blemish. If I continue eating the standard American diet my skin reverts back to a diseased state.
The Nutritarian life style has become a passion. I’m not perfect, but each day I make small tweaks to keep striving to get better. This lifestyle has been amazing in terms of how little I am sick, and all of the money I no longer spend on the ten different prescriptions I used to take. I’m hoping to instill the love of this food into my son and my husband.