Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
At the age of 81 Gene can attest to the benefits of the Eat toLive diet which he has followed from 2006; no longer has sleep apnea, is overweight or has high cholesterol
Prior to 2006, I weighed 235 pounds and stood 5’8” tall. I suffered from acid reflux and sleep apnea as well as high cholesterol, for which I took medication. After my semi-annual physical check-ups, my doctor would always end the visit by patting my stomach and remarking, “aren’t missing many meals, are you.” During Christmas week of 2005, I received a package from my nephew which contained only one item, a video recording of a seminar; there was no accompanying message or instruction. Apparently, my nephew had videoed a seminar featuring Dr. Fuhrman on the benefits of a plant-based diet. I watched the video, and it made sense to me; it gave me hope that I could improve my health and hopefully also lose some weight. These were issues I had already been dealing with for years. Before I even got out of my Lazy Boy chair, I had ordered the Eat to Live book and a Vita Mix.
By rigorously following the plant-based diet and taking the recommended supplements, I began losing seven or eight pounds per month for the next ten to eleven months. By the end of 2006, I had lost 85 pounds and stabilized at 145 pounds. My doctor was impressed by both the weight loss and the drop in my cholesterol numbers. When my total cholesterol dropped to just below 100, he discontinued my cholesterol meds. On my next visit six months later, my total cholesterol had leveled off at about 140 without any medication and it remains there to this day. My sleep apnea and acid reflux also went away with the loss of weight. Needless to say, my doc stopped patting my stomach and making comments on how much I eat. Instead, he tells me to keep doing what I have been doing.
I have lost a lot of weight a lot of times over the course of my 81 years, but I have always gained it back again. Since adopting my vegan lifestyle, I’m no longer am tempted by the foods that were a part of my previous diet. I am no longer on the weight gain/weight loss cycle. I still maintain a healthy weight of just over 150 pounds some 14 years after being introduced to the Eat to Live way. I recommend it to others frequently.
Results may vary.