Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Tools thomas Used:
The End of Heart Disease The End of Dieting Eat to Live Eat to Live Cookbook Eat for Health Super Immunity Nutritarian Recipes WebinarsThomas was determined not to have any more heart surgery, lost 93 pounds, is off all medication, went on a water fast and feels stronger, healthier than ever
I had been feeling really bad for about three weeks, had headaches and no energy. On February 22, 2019 I went to bed fully clothed thinking that I'd be taking an ambulance ride that night. I never shared any of this with my wife because I didn't want to scare her. The reason being in 2000 I had two heart attacks and ended up in the emergency room having a cath. and emergency open heart surgery (quintuple surgery). In 2007 I felt the same way and had a stent placement in the left descending artery, so needless to say I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want any more surgeries. I woke up on the 23rd after a terrible night’s sleep. My head was pounding and I took my blood pressure, it was 155/104 even though I was on two medications. I came upstairs and a book was sitting on the arm of the couch, it was Eat to Live. I had bought the book in 2013 but misplaced it and hadn't seen it for six years. Seeing it was like being hit over the head with a 2x4, I knew that it was GOD saying last chance son. I picked it up, started reading it, and went right to the 42-day challenge, and I haven't looked back. I had felt so bad for so long, and was, I believe, on the verge of a stroke that I knew I had to make a change. And I knew it had to be whole food plant based. By the end of the challenge I lost 59 pounds and felt great, actually I felt really good three weeks into the challenge which kept me going full speed ahead. When the challenge ended, I kept doing what I was doing for another 15 days. During that time, I was reading Fasting and Eating for Health, and after 57 days started a 21-day water only fast and lost another 30 pounds. I was down to 191 pounds. I had an appointment with my cardiologist in May 2019 and when he saw me, he was shocked, and after the examination took me off all meds. except baby aspirin. Fast forward to today and I weigh 177 pounds, down 93 pounds, off all meds., feel great, got to walk my daughter down the aisle last month. I am so thankful and indebted to Dr. Fuhrman, and the research he has shared through Eat to Live. I really didn't think I would be here as bad as I felt eight months ago. It’s been a wonderful journey and a thankful and humbling experience. I can't explain how much better I feel, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. G-BOMBS forever, thanks again Dr. Fuhrman.
Results may vary.