Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Tools MUKUL (Mike) Used:
The End of Heart Disease Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI Food Scoring Guide The End of Dieting Eat to Live Eat for Health The End of Diabetes Super Immunity WebinarsAfter viewing Dr. Fuhrman's PBS shows and reading his books, MUKUL (Mike) is thankful that given the knowledge of the Nutritarian diett he improved his overall health
I met Dr. Fuhrman some years ago, showed him my before photo and he gave me some good tips. I also attended one of hiss. seminars and learned quite a bit about vegan cooking. Four years ago, I picked up Dr. Fuhrman’s book The End of Heart Disease, but did not read it. I weighed 285 pounds and was worried. On May 25 2016 I had a heart attack, went to the other side, came back, and read the book with a religious fervor. I had tried the Stillman diet, various liquid diets, the all meat diet etc. lost weight, but always gained it back. I was limited on just walking for exercising, skiing was out.
The easiest part about making the transition to the Nutritarian diet was my heart attack. It was the real deal and I did not want to go back. I was very scared. Dr. Fuhrman’s book and the seminar gave me the rails to run on towards an all vegan diet! My health has gotten better, my blood pressure medicine is gone, I am still on ranexa and plavex. but will soon be off as I lose more weight. Dr. Fuhrman suggested at 175 pounds I would be able to clear up the plaque, so that is my goal. I now weigh 200 pounds. I am taking control of my life now and feeling better about myself.
The hardest part of the transition is wrapping your brain around no meat period. But after several days on then diet I discovered I really did not need the meat and wheat products in my life. I started feeling better after about three days into the transition. Dr. Fuhrman really changed my life, so thank you Dr. Fuhrman
I saw Dr. Fuhrman on PBS and then read his book Eat to Live. I also saw many of his videos on YouTube. It all made a lot of sense and, therefore, I started to implement his Nutritarian plan into my eating style to improve health and avoid any health issues later. I had no diseases or was taking any medications when I started this journey. I keep learning and growing in my knowledge of health and nutrition by listening to Dr. Fuhrman and other pioneers in the field of nutrition and reading their books.
I am a Nutritarian now because it is the best nutrition lifestyle for humans, based on all the research. I continue to make changes and keep fine tuning the plan based on new evidence. I am very happy to have embraced this Nutritarian lifestyle as it has definitely improved my health. All my vital health markers are better now than before.
Thank you Dr. Fuhrman for appearing on PBS and authoring books that change people's lives for the better and improving their health while saving lives from medical tragedies.
Results may vary.