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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

June-Lori's Story

Improved Dexasan using bioDensity™ for Osteoporosis  

In December of 2018 I had a bone scan for Osteoporosis. My score was alarming and several doctors said the numbers were out of the ordinary and off the charts. I was truly scared believing my bones were crumbling. I was given a script and told to go directly to the hospital lab for an IV Osteoporosis drug infusion treatment.  At that time my fragility was such that even without any significant trauma or injury, just doing nothing, I could have just cracked or broken a bone. I was petrified and practically afraid to walk. I knew I had to do something along with my other injuries. My husband was afraid to hug me for fear that I would crack! My doctors cautioned this condition couldn't be ignored. However, they had no other answers to offer other than the infusion.

I did my own research as I was not comfortable with the option I was given. Having been raised in a medical family and also being a RN I knew more medical care was not the answer which is just as Dr. Fuhrman believes. Dr. Fuhrman has treated our entire family including our three sons so it was only natural to seek the opinion of someone I have so much faith in. I trust and respect Dr. Fuhrman's opinion, his knowledge of medicine, and his preventing and reversing disease through nutrition and natural methods. I knew if my condition was able to be treated alternatively, he would offer another resolution and wouldn't have my body subjected to unnecessary drugs. What he did was to spend time with me and illustrated home exercises (yes- he got down on the ground and did them) and gave me additional nutritional immune building guidelines and supplementation along with having me come to his office every week for bioDensity™ sessions. I was committed and determined to change my scores and not let this disease take hold of me and have an unfavorable outcome.

Now my rehabilitation includes weekly bioDensity™ visits. Dr. Fuhrman’s office staff is passionate and supportive, always upbeat, and are a huge a comfort on this journey. A year later, having gone every single week for visits, it was time to see the proof. I had a Dexa bone scan and my results showed significant improvement. It was incredible! I felt I could breathe again! In addition, my doctors have learned another valuable and successful treatment option. They were very inspired and genuinely happy about my great progress and the positive outcome of Dr. Fuhrman’s approach using the bioDensity™ system. Another big achievement occurred recently, as after two and a half years, I resumed driving again!

I realize that I will always need to continue with the bioDensity™ treatment and stay committed to what I need to do to keep my body as healthy as possible. I am very fortunate, and forever grateful to be telling my success story and knowing that each day I'm continuing to have strong bones and to protect my body against disease. I hope that everyone can take the time for themselves to live a better healthier way of life!

Results may vary.

More Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Success Stories



After retiring and moving across the country, Loretta and her husband embraced the Nutritarian diet. She lost 45 pounds in just under 7 months, and has seen many of her cravings disappear.... Read More

Results may vary.



Ann  refused to go on diabetic meds, instead went on the nutritarian diet, no longer needs them and lost 43 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



A combination of personal loss and serious health issues – a car accident, cancer, dangerously high blood pressure – left Laura overweight and searching for answers. The Weight Loss Challenge helped her lose weight and get off almost all of her meds. ... Read More

Results may vary.



Susan lost 108 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



Susanne lost 24 pounds, said goodbye to binge eating and improved her knee pain thanks to the Weight Loss Detox and Challenge. Now she and her husband enjoy Nutritarian food (especially  Chocolate Nice Cream) and greatly improved health.... Read More

Results may vary.



Joy is amazed how just making changes in her diet alleviated all her health concerns including an eye problem and high cholesteol... Read More

Results may vary.


Slyvia lost 54 pounds and lowered her blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.


Nancy no longer is  a yo-yo dieter, reversed osteoporosis and other medical issues; walks/jogs 3 -5 miles a day and her life is better than ever... Read More

Results may vary.


Diane lost 30 pounds and stopped taking medication for osteoporosis and back pain... Read More

Results may vary.


Margaret is grateful to no longer have palpitations which were seriously interfering with her life  and her mind is much clearer... Read More

Results may vary.


Connie no longer has osteoporisis in her hip and significantly lowered her cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.


Sonia's pain from multiple ailments is so much better she says it is a blessing... Read More

Results may vary.