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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Brandon's Story

Brandon picture

Results may vary.

Brandon is no longer pre-diabetic, lost a total of 50 pounds and can't believe how good he feels  

In the fall of 2015, my doctor did blood work because it hadn't been done for over 10 years.  My diet at that time consisted of whatever I wanted to eat. There was no concern about health, no worry about what was good for me and what wasn't.  I ate what looked good, in any quantity I wanted, and paid no attention to what it might be doing to me.  I especially loved steak, seafood, and whole milk.

When my bloodwork came back, it was quite alarming.  My cholesterol was 265, I had high triglycerides, and worst of all, I was pre-diabetic with a fasting glucose over 100.  In addition, I weighed 225 pounds (I'm only 5'6"), and my blood pressure averaged 140/90.  I also had severe heartburn, and took an antacid every night so I could sleep.  I decided it was time to do something about it;  my mom was diabetic and I was not going to go down that road.

I immediately started using a fitness app to track my calories, asking my sister (who is a registered dietician, trained by "the establishment") what I should do about the pre-diabetes diagnosis. Her advice was standard:  Try the 40/30/30 diet (40percent of calories from carbs, 30 percent each from protein and fat).  I lost some weight, but three months later my fasting glucose was no better, and my blood pressure had only improved by a few points.  I continued tracking calories, and added daily exercise.  I lost a bit more weight, but the fasting glucose and the blood pressure still didn't improve much.  On top of that, I developed a pain in my upper abdomen, which to this day remains a mystery.  I had an ultrasound, but they didn't see anything that would be causing my pain.

I kept working at my weight, thinking that losing some weight, counting calories, and counting carbs would solve the problem.  My sister also told me to make sure I have protein with each meal (of course, to me, protein meant fish, chicken, beef, seafood, etc.).  I lost about 25 pounds in a year, but still my fasting glucose was over 100 and my blood pressure was only marginally lower.  I almost resigned myself to becoming diabetic, thinking that it was "just genetic."

In the summer of 2017, I was browsing Netflix and came across Forks Over Knives.  I like documentaries, so I watched it.  I was skeptical, but I figured I had tried everything else, so why not try this, too?  I made a total change the very next day, going plant based and not using oils, extra salt, etc.

I later heard of Dr. Fuhrman and checked out Eat to Live from my local library.  I began the Nutritarian way of living as it just made sense to me.  I was all in 100 percent. Since August 1st, 2017, I've lost an additional 50 pounds, and I now weigh 150 pounds.  My blood pressure is consistently in the lower 100's over lower 60's (about 102/63, on average).  My heartburn is completely gone, my cholesterol is 132 at last check, the pain in my upper abdomen is gone, and best of all, my fasting glucose at last check was 76!  I have an amazing amount of energy, and my perseverance is stronger while exercising. 

I can't believe how I feel. It's amazing!  Through my research, I am convinced that eating this way makes the best evolutionary sense.  What else could explain the reason so many people get better when they begin eating this way?  I began to realize that it isn't so much that this diet is magical, but it's the fact that eating this way means I'm no longer poisoning my body; it can heal itself when it gets what it needs and doesn't get what it doesn't need.  This is the diet humans are supposed to eat. Thank you to for getting this message out - more people need to hear it!

More Diabetes Success Stories



Scott lost 60 pounds and is enjoying numerous health benefits including reversing his diabetes and lowering his blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.



 Karl says losing 130 pounds saved his life; with it went his diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol... Read More

Results may vary.



Calogero lost 100 pounds in seven months and is free of diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



Don and his wife won their battle with diabetes and their combined weight loss totals 109 pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Mike lost 60 pounds, no longer needs daily insulin injections or any medication for diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure... Read More

Results may vary.



Amy, a type 1 diabetic, says Dr. Fuhrman was the answer to her prayers to control her diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.


Michael reversed his diabetes despite his doctor telling him that it wasn't possible and diabetes was something he had to live with.... Read More

Results may vary.


Jane's diabetes was making her so miserable she considered ending her life; now she lost 50 pounds, is off her medications, and feels her life has been saved... Read More

Results may vary.


By losing 40 pounds and reversing his diabetes, Kenneth's doctor says he has added years to his life... Read More

Results may vary.


The Nutritarian diet helped control Stephanie's gestational diabetes and she no longer suffers frequent urinary tract infections... Read More

Results may vary.


Ed is a type 1 diabetic and his blood sugar is the best it has ever been... Read More

Results may vary.


The End of Diabetes quickly changed Chris' approach to managing his type 1 diabetes, now this pharmacist is off his insulin pump and lowered his daily insulin... Read More

Results may vary.



Kari lost 276 pounds and reversed multiple life-threatening conditions, including kidney and liver diseases, after embracing the Nutritarian diet. Her A1c dropped from 14.8 to 4.6, and she no longer faces a liver transplant.... Read More

Results may vary.



Susan's life was a "nightmare" before she lost 215 life-threatening pounds... Read More

Results may vary.



Robert lost an incredible 200 pounds and with it went his diabetes, high cholesterol, and arthritis, allowing him to stop taking toxic arthritis medications... Read More

Results may vary.



An ecstatic Marina lost a whopping 160 pounds and reversed her type 2 diabetes... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering numerous health problems, David lost a whopping 155 pounds, reversed diabetes and feels he has a new lease on life... Read More

Results may vary.



Kenneth lost an amazing 155 pounds and reversed diabetes after his doctor recommended Eat To Live;  is now running maratahons... Read More

Results may vary.



Fearing he would die young Manuel lost an amazing 150 pounds and his teenage son lost 40 pounds; it has been a life changing journey for his family... Read More

Results may vary.



Kimberly lost 60 pounds and no longer suffers with eczema; her mom lost 142 pounds and is free of diabetes and monthly urinary tract infections... Read More

Results may vary.



After suffering a stroke and heart problems, Charlotte lost 133 pounds, regained her health... Read More

Results may vary.

Susann Marie

Susann Marie

Susann lost 120 pounds and reversed type 2 diabetes

... Read More

Results may vary.



Al lost 115 pounds, is no longer diabetic and feels he has added years to his life... Read More

Results may vary.



Helena lost an amazing 111 pounds and is enjoying her increased energy; is eager to share her newfound knowledge about the health benefits of good nutrition... Read More

Results may vary.



Sandra confesses to once being a food addict; now she lost an amazing 107 pounds and fits into size 7 skinny jeans
... Read More

Results may vary.

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The End of Dieting