Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.
Results may vary.
Determined not to follow in his family history of disease, Terrence lost 60 pounds and lowered his cholesterol and blood pressure
I came across Eat To Live in a book store. It was the start of 2011 and my weight was going up every year. I have a strong family history of heart and kidney disease, as well as cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes and cancer. I wanted to do something to avoid these problems. I knew my cholesterol was too high at 250. I tried exercising, but never really put much effort into my diet. I ate lots of meat, lots of dairy, and used oil in everything.
I read Eat To Live in three days, and started the plan right away. I could not believe how fast the weight was coming off, even with minimal exercise. I kept with the program and added a consistent exercise program and even more weight came off. Over the next year I lost 60 pounds and five inches off my waistline. My cholesterol and blood pressure also came down. I recommend Eat To Live to every person I talk to who is struggling with weight. I am so thankful for coming across the book.