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The real story on lectins
August 01, 2017 by Joel Fuhrman, MD
Unfortunately, nutritional misinformation abounds and the consumption of health fortifying nutrient-rich plant foods in our society is dangerously low. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 75 percent of healthcare spending goes to treating chronic diseases, most of which are preventable and diet-related.1 One example of this misinformation is the recommendation by Paleo diet advocates to avoid beans and grains; also a new book alleges that these foods, plus nuts, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and more are harmful to our health, because of mysterious proteins called lectins.
The truth is, the scientific evidence does not support the view that lectins are harmful to our health. What is harmful to our health is promoting this idea which has led to many people being afraid to eat health-promoting foods like beans and tomatoes.
It is acceptable to have a theory, but this idea about lectins being “disease-causing” and that people need to avoid beans, vegetable and nuts in order to get healthy and lose weight, has been thoroughly disproven by the thousands of studies documenting the health and longevity benefits of these foods. The most recent book warning against lectins is full of twisted and incorrect information that will further confuse and harm the public – who are already eating an insufficient amount of plant foods.
What are lectins?
Lectins are proteins that bind carbohydrate. There are many different lectins, which have different functions because they bind to different carbohydrates. Lectins are not only present in plant foods; they are ubiquitous in nature – in plants, animals, and microorganisms.2
The main function of lectins in animals is to facilitate cell-cell contact – lectins on one cell recognize and bind to surface carbohydrates on another cell. In plants, the function of lectins is less clear but some lectins are thought to be plant defense proteins, to protect against pathogens and insects.3 This is similar to other phytochemicals; flavonoids, for example, also serve as natural defenses in plants.4
Potential benefits of plant food lectins
Plant lectins bind carbohydrates during digestion, slowing or preventing their breakdown, and thereby reducing the glycemic effects of the food.5 You may hear a claim that lectins “disrupt digestion,” but this is misleading. This action of lectins is most likely a contributing factor to the pro-weight loss and anti-diabetes effects of beans and other plant foods. Beans are rich in anti-cancer phytochemicals and are the foods demonstrating the most powerful association with lower rates of breast cancer in massive epidemiological studies, including the Nurses’ Health Study.6
A lectin in common mushrooms has been found to inhibit proliferation of cancer cells in vitro.7, 8Mushrooms are another food offering powerful protection against cancer.9, 10 And that’s not the only one: similar results have been found for lectins from fava beans, soybeans, bananas, buckwheat, jackfruit, and wheat.11-17 Some of these lectins are being investigated as potential cancer therapies.18, 19 Certain plant food lectins may also help prevent cancer development by blocking the actions of angiogenesis-promoting lectins on human cells.18
Do lectins pose any dangers?
There is one lectin known to cause temporary gastrointestinal distress in humans, however it is easily avoided. A lectin called phytohemagglutinin found in raw beans (red kidney beans in particular) binds to a carbohydrate present on human intestinal cells. This lectin is inactivated by cooking. If you use dry beans, take the necessary precaution of making sure they are thoroughly cooked – don’t eat undercooked beans.
Special cases of sensitivity to certain lectins
Some food allergies are allergies to a lectin specific to that food. Also, bacterial infections, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colon cancer, or autoimmune illnesses may alter intestinal cells in a way that makes usually harmless food lectins problematic. For example, wheat may be problematic for rheumatoid arthritis and peanuts for IBD and colon cancer. However, carbohydrates from dietary fiber could potentially block or reduce these harms.20, 21 It is likely there are individuals who should avoid a specific food because of their individual response to a lectin in that food. But this does not mean that lectins are harmful for the general population. In fact, foods having more lectins are longevity promoting.
Keep eating beans and tomatoes – they have huge health benefits
People who regularly eat beans have greater intakes of minerals and fiber, have lower blood pressure, and are less likely to be overweight than people that don’t consume beans.22 The consumption of beans is linked to lifespan enhancement, lower rates of cardiovascular disease, lower risk of colorectal and several other cancers.23-30 Beans are a high-fiber, high-resistant starch, low-glycemic source of calories. The high total and soluble fiber content of beans helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.31, 32 Fiber and resistant starch fuel the growth of a healthy gut microbiome, which likely underlies beans’ ability to protect against colorectal cancers.33
Tomatoes are the major source of the carotenoid lycopene, a strong antioxidant that helps protect the skin from UV damage. In addition, tomatoes have a number of cardiovascular system benefits including making LDL cholesterol more resistant to oxidation.34-36 Higher blood lycopene is associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and low blood lycopene are associated with a greater risk of premature death.37-41
Beans, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and seeds are high-nutrient, fiber-rich foods that are consistently associated with beneficial health outcomes and a longer life; this suggests that if there is any potential negative of certain plant lectins, it is enormously outweighed by the benefits of the fiber and phytochemicals in these plant foods.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: The Power of Prevention 2009 []
Lectins Are Specific Carbohydrate-Binding Proteins. In Biochemistry 5th edition. Edited by Berg JM, Tymoczko JL, Stryer L: W H Freeman; 2002
Lannoo N, Van Damme EJ. Lectin domains at the frontiers of plant defense.Front Plant Sci 2014, 5:397.
War AR, Paulraj MG, Ahmad T, et al. Mechanisms of plant defense against insect herbivores.Plant Signal Behav 2012, 7:1306-1320.
Rea RL, Thompson LU, Jenkins DJ. Lectins in foods and their relation to starch digestibility.Nutr Res 1985, 5:919-929.
Farvid MS, Cho E, Chen WY, et al. Dietary protein sources in early adulthood and breast cancer incidence: prospective cohort study.BMJ 2014, 348:g3437.
Yu L, Fernig DG, Smith JA, et al. Reversible inhibition of proliferation of epithelial cell lines by Agaricus bisporus (edible mushroom) lectin.Cancer Res 1993, 53:4627-4632.
Carrizo ME, Capaldi S, Perduca M, et al. The antineoplastic lectin of the common edible mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) has two binding sites, each specific for a different configuration at a single epimeric hydroxyl.The Journal of biological chemistry 2005, 280:10614-10623.
Li J, Zou L, Chen W, et al. Dietary mushroom intake may reduce the risk of breast cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis of observational studies.PLoS One 2014, 9:e93437.
Ren L, Perera C, Hemar Y. Antitumor activity of mushroom polysaccharides: a review.Food Funct 2012, 3:1118-1130.
Jordinson M, El-Hariry I, Calnan D, et al. Vicia faba agglutinin, the lectin present in broad beans, stimulates differentiation of undifferentiated colon cancer cells.Gut 1999, 44:709-714.
Panda PK, Mukhopadhyay S, Behera B, et al. Antitumor effect of soybean lectin mediated through reactive oxygen species-dependent pathway.Life Sci 2014, 111:27-35.
Singh SS, Devi SK, Ng TB. Banana lectin: a brief review.Molecules 2014, 19:18817-18827.
Bai CZ, Ji HJ, Feng ML, et al. Stimulation of dendritic cell maturation and induction of apoptosis in lymphoma cells by a stable lectin from buckwheat seeds.Genet Mol Res 2015, 14:2162-2175.
Yu LG, Packman LC, Weldon M, et al. Protein phosphatase 2A, a negative regulator of the ERK signaling pathway, is activated by tyrosine phosphorylation of putative HLA class II-associated protein I (PHAPI)/pp32 in response to the antiproliferative lectin, jacalin.J Biol Chem 2004, 279:41377-41383.
Ebert C, Nebe B, Walzel H, et al. Inhibitory effect of the lectin wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) on the proliferation of AR42J cells.Acta Histochem 2009, 111:335-342.
Schwarz RE, Wojciechowicz DC, Picon AI, et al. Wheatgerm agglutinin-mediated toxicity in pancreatic cancer cells.Br J Cancer 1999, 80:1754-1762.
Ochoa-Alvarez JA, Krishnan H, Shen Y, et al. Plant lectin can target receptors containing sialic acid, exemplified by podoplanin, to inhibit transformed cell growth and migration.PLoS One 2012, 7:e41845.
Liu B, Bian HJ, Bao JK. Plant lectins: potential antineoplastic drugs from bench to clinic.Cancer Lett 2010, 287:1-12.
Freed DL. Do dietary lectins cause disease?BMJ 1999, 318:1023-1024.
Ryder SD, Smith JA, Rhodes JM. Peanut lectin: a mitogen for normal human colonic epithelium and human HT29 colorectal cancer cells.J Natl Cancer Inst 1992, 84:1410-1416.
Papanikolaou Y, Fulgoni VL, 3rd. Bean consumption is associated with greater nutrient intake, reduced systolic blood pressure, lower body weight, and a smaller waist circumference in adults: results from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002.J Am Coll Nutr 2008, 27:569-576.
Darmadi-Blackberry I, Wahlqvist ML, Kouris-Blazos A, et al. Legumes: the most important dietary predictor of survival in older people of different ethnicities.Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2004, 13:217-220.
Marventano S, Izquierdo Pulido M, Sanchez-Gonzalez C, et al. Legume consumption and CVD risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis.Public Health Nutr 2017, 20:245-254.
Lanza E, Hartman TJ, Albert PS, et al. High dry bean intake and reduced risk of advanced colorectal adenoma recurrence among participants in the polyp prevention trial.J Nutr 2006, 136:1896-1903.
Singh PN, Fraser GE. Dietary risk factors for colon cancer in a low-risk population.Am J Epidemiol 1998, 148:761-774.
Bessaoud F, Daures JP, Gerber M. Dietary factors and breast cancer risk: a case control study among a population in Southern France.Nutr Cancer 2008, 60:177-187.
Aune D, De Stefani E, Ronco A, et al. Legume intake and the risk of cancer: a multisite case-control study in Uruguay.Cancer Causes Control 2009, 20:1605-1615.
Zhu B, Sun Y, Qi L, et al. Dietary legume consumption reduces risk of colorectal cancer: evidence from a meta-analysis of cohort studies.Sci Rep 2015, 5:8797.
Li J, Mao QQ. Legume intake and risk of prostate cancer: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.Oncotarget 2017, 8:44776-44784.
Bazzano LA, Thompson AM, Tees MT, et al. Non-soy legume consumption lowers cholesterol levels: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Nutrition, metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases : NMCD 2011, 21:94-103.
Streppel MT, Arends LR, van 't Veer P, et al. Dietary fiber and blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials.Arch Intern Med 2005, 165:150-156.
Keku TO, Dulal S, Deveaux A, et al. The gastrointestinal microbiota and colorectal cancer.Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol 2015, 308:G351-363.
Rissanen T, Voutilainen S, Nyyssonen K, Salonen JT. Lycopene, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2002, 227:900-907.
Silaste ML, Alfthan G, Aro A, et al. Tomato juice decreases LDL cholesterol levels and increases LDL resistance to oxidation.Br J Nutr 2007, 98:1251-1258.
Hadley CW, Clinton SK, Schwartz SJ. The consumption of processed tomato products enhances plasma lycopene concentrations in association with a reduced lipoprotein sensitivity to oxidative damage.J Nutr 2003, 133:727-732.
Karppi J, Laukkanen JA, Makikallio TH, Kurl S. Low serum lycopene and beta-carotene increase risk of acute myocardial infarction in men.Eur J Public Health 2011.
Karppi J, Laukkanen JA, Sivenius J, et al. Serum lycopene decreases the risk of stroke in men: A population-based follow-up study.Neurology 2012, 79:1540-1547.
Sesso HD, Buring JE, Norkus EP, Gaziano JM. Plasma lycopene, other carotenoids, and retinol and the risk of cardiovascular disease in women.Am J Clin Nutr 2004, 79:47-53.
Shardell MD, Alley DE, Hicks GE, et al. Low-serum carotenoid concentrations and carotenoid interactions predict mortality in US adults: the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.Nutr Res 2011, 31:178-189.
Rissanen TH, Voutilainen S, Nyyssonen K, et al. Low serum lycopene concentration is associated with an excess incidence of acute coronary events and stroke: the Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study.Br J Nutr 2001, 85:749-754.
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Dr. Fuhrman coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe his longevity-promoting, nutrient dense, plant-rich eating style.
For over 30 years, Dr. Fuhrman has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse heart disease, diabetes and many other illnesses using smart nutrition. In his medical practice, and through his books and PBS television specials, he continues to bring this life-saving message to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
The real story on lectins
August 01, 2017 by Joel Fuhrman, MD
Unfortunately, nutritional misinformation abounds and the consumption of health fortifying nutrient-rich plant foods in our society is dangerously low. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 75 percent of healthcare spending goes to treating chronic diseases, most of which are preventable and diet-related.1 One example of this misinformation is the recommendation by Paleo diet advocates to avoid beans and grains; also a new book alleges that these foods, plus nuts, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, and more are harmful to our health, because of mysterious proteins called lectins.
The truth is, the scientific evidence does not support the view that lectins are harmful to our health. What is harmful to our health is promoting this idea which has led to many people being afraid to eat health-promoting foods like beans and tomatoes.
It is acceptable to have a theory, but this idea about lectins being “disease-causing” and that people need to avoid beans, vegetable and nuts in order to get healthy and lose weight, has been thoroughly disproven by the thousands of studies documenting the health and longevity benefits of these foods. The most recent book warning against lectins is full of twisted and incorrect information that will further confuse and harm the public – who are already eating an insufficient amount of plant foods.
What are lectins?
Lectins are proteins that bind carbohydrate. There are many different lectins, which have different functions because they bind to different carbohydrates. Lectins are not only present in plant foods; they are ubiquitous in nature – in plants, animals, and microorganisms.2
The main function of lectins in animals is to facilitate cell-cell contact – lectins on one cell recognize and bind to surface carbohydrates on another cell. In plants, the function of lectins is less clear but some lectins are thought to be plant defense proteins, to protect against pathogens and insects.3 This is similar to other phytochemicals; flavonoids, for example, also serve as natural defenses in plants.4
Potential benefits of plant food lectins
Plant lectins bind carbohydrates during digestion, slowing or preventing their breakdown, and thereby reducing the glycemic effects of the food.5 You may hear a claim that lectins “disrupt digestion,” but this is misleading. This action of lectins is most likely a contributing factor to the pro-weight loss and anti-diabetes effects of beans and other plant foods. Beans are rich in anti-cancer phytochemicals and are the foods demonstrating the most powerful association with lower rates of breast cancer in massive epidemiological studies, including the Nurses’ Health Study.6
A lectin in common mushrooms has been found to inhibit proliferation of cancer cells in vitro.7, 8 Mushrooms are another food offering powerful protection against cancer.9, 10 And that’s not the only one: similar results have been found for lectins from fava beans, soybeans, bananas, buckwheat, jackfruit, and wheat.11-17 Some of these lectins are being investigated as potential cancer therapies.18, 19 Certain plant food lectins may also help prevent cancer development by blocking the actions of angiogenesis-promoting lectins on human cells.18
Do lectins pose any dangers?
There is one lectin known to cause temporary gastrointestinal distress in humans, however it is easily avoided. A lectin called phytohemagglutinin found in raw beans (red kidney beans in particular) binds to a carbohydrate present on human intestinal cells. This lectin is inactivated by cooking. If you use dry beans, take the necessary precaution of making sure they are thoroughly cooked – don’t eat undercooked beans.
Special cases of sensitivity to certain lectins
Some food allergies are allergies to a lectin specific to that food. Also, bacterial infections, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), colon cancer, or autoimmune illnesses may alter intestinal cells in a way that makes usually harmless food lectins problematic. For example, wheat may be problematic for rheumatoid arthritis and peanuts for IBD and colon cancer. However, carbohydrates from dietary fiber could potentially block or reduce these harms.20, 21 It is likely there are individuals who should avoid a specific food because of their individual response to a lectin in that food. But this does not mean that lectins are harmful for the general population. In fact, foods having more lectins are longevity promoting.
Keep eating beans and tomatoes – they have huge health benefits
People who regularly eat beans have greater intakes of minerals and fiber, have lower blood pressure, and are less likely to be overweight than people that don’t consume beans.22 The consumption of beans is linked to lifespan enhancement, lower rates of cardiovascular disease, lower risk of colorectal and several other cancers.23-30 Beans are a high-fiber, high-resistant starch, low-glycemic source of calories. The high total and soluble fiber content of beans helps to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.31, 32 Fiber and resistant starch fuel the growth of a healthy gut microbiome, which likely underlies beans’ ability to protect against colorectal cancers.33
Tomatoes are the major source of the carotenoid lycopene, a strong antioxidant that helps protect the skin from UV damage. In addition, tomatoes have a number of cardiovascular system benefits including making LDL cholesterol more resistant to oxidation.34-36 Higher blood lycopene is associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and low blood lycopene are associated with a greater risk of premature death.37-41
Beans, vegetables, mushrooms, nuts and seeds are high-nutrient, fiber-rich foods that are consistently associated with beneficial health outcomes and a longer life; this suggests that if there is any potential negative of certain plant lectins, it is enormously outweighed by the benefits of the fiber and phytochemicals in these plant foods.
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Dr. Fuhrman coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe his longevity-promoting, nutrient dense, plant-rich eating style.
For over 30 years, Dr. Fuhrman has shown that it is possible to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse heart disease, diabetes and many other illnesses using smart nutrition. In his medical practice, and through his books and PBS television specials, he continues to bring this life-saving message to hundreds of thousands of people around the world.