Your best defense against colds and flu is eating a Nutritarian—nutrient-dense, plant-rich---diet to optimize your immune system.
Discover the secret to lasting happiness and better health! Tune in to our latest podcast where Dr. Fuhrman reveals how emotional wisdom can transform your life
Nourish your body with a sustainable approach to healthful eating, for a healthy weight for life.
A daily meditation practice promotes relaxation, stress relief, and emotional well-being, and has benefits on physical health too.
During the holiday season, stressful situations and dangerous foods are everywhere. Here’s how to deal.
Non-stick pans do their job well, but their safety has been questioned. What's the safest non-stick option?
Dr. Fuhrman applies Nutritarian principles to the USDA’s classic Food Pyramid – and rebuilds it to help you achieve excellent health and extended longevity
Meet the inspirational winners of Dr. Fuhrman's 2023 Weight Loss Challenge! Find out how they lost 5 or more BMI points in just six months.
Taking a road trip or flying to some distant destination? You don’t have to leave your healthy eating habits at home.
Dr. Fuhrman’s detox shows that diabetes, excess weight, ‘brain fog’ were no match for the Nutritarian diet.