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9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Membership
September 08, 2017 by Johanna "Jo-Jo" Stefano, M.S.
Membership has many privileges, but are you taking advantage of yours to the fullest? As a member of, you have the opportunity to be guided to a healthier version of you! Being a member gives you a wealth of information to achieve and maintain your optimal weight, prevent and reverse disease, and live a long, healthy life. Browse our extensive library, find mealtime inspiration with over 1,600 recipes in our Nutritarian Recipe Database, monitor your progress with our Health Tracker, see what Dr. Fuhrman has to say and get the support you need. Here are some of the most popular features on to inspire you.
Don’t Know What to Eat? There’s a Meal Plan to Suit Your Needs.
Achieving superior health can at first seem overwhelming. Membership makes it easier. Dr. Fuhrman provides 2 weeks of meal plans for all types of health goals or concerns. For example, there is a meal plan for aggressive weight loss as well as one for those who are physically active and want to gain or maintain their weight. Other meal plans are directed for people with autoimmune issues, diabetes, and cancer. These meal plans make it easy for you to achieve your health goals.
Join Dr. Fuhrman Live on Facebook.
Have 30 minutes? Facebook Live presentations allow our members the opportunity to send online questions to Dr. Fuhrman and hear his responses live while watching him demonstrate cooking techniques, impart valuable health information and share Nutritarian lifestyle tips. If you miss a Live broadcast, log in and go to the LEARN tab, click on LIBRARY to see past Live chats.
You can also watch informative product videos or view the mini Nutri-Bite series of videos which feature 1 to 3 minute answers to questions about food, cooking and exercise.
Browse the Learning Library.
Rather read than watch? Explore our member library of more than 100 articles to further your understanding of Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian principles or get the most up-to-date information on Dr. Fuhrman’s protocols for chronic diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Parkinson’s disease by downloading Dr. Fuhrman’s Position Papers on these and other health topics.
Take a Deep Dive into our videoconference and webinar libraries.
Want to find out how to handle food bullies? Or learn which blood tests Nutritarians need? These and 75 other timely and interesting topics are available for you to explore.
Use the Vitamin Advisor and Health Tracker
Getting the optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals can be tricky and proper supplementation can fill gaps. By answering a few simple questions you can get a personalized assessment of your needs, or the needs of your loved ones, to create a supplement plan in as little as 10 minutes. As a member who enjoys discounts on vitamins, you can save your plan, and make updates if your health information changes.
Looking for a place where you can keep your medical history organized in one convenient spot? When you set up a profile in our online Health Tracker, your weight, blood pressure, blood test results and other medical data will be at your fingertips. You’ll be able to track your results over time as you follow the Nutritarian diet, and even print out your data to review with your doctor. Best of all, seeing your health markers improve over time provides tremendous motivation to maintain your healthy lifestyle.
Receive Advice or Learn What Dr. Fuhrman and His Associates Have To Say.
Wonder who you can talk to about how to get your health back on track? Dr. Fuhrman and his associate doctors spend hours a day answering questions in Ask the Doctor.
Get Feedback from Our Food Addiction Specialist and Others in Our Nutritarian Network.
Learn the skills you need to reach your health goals from our Food Addiction Specialist or glean knowledge from other Nutritarians. You can also form new friendships and pay it forward. Dr. Fuhrman’s Member Communities like Nutritarian Network, or Ask the Food Addiction Specialist make sure you stay on track. Whether you need an answer to a health question or just need the support of a listening ear, you will find it in our one of our special online forums.
Make Meal Prep More Convenient.
Use the convenience of the organizer found under the Recipe tab to store your favorite Nutritarian recipes in a customized recipe box. Or make your next grocery shopping trip uncomplicated by easily creating a list of items you need to buy using the My Grocery List tool.
Need Extra Help in the Kitchen? Enjoy a Substantial Discount on Dr. Fuhrman Products.
Your membership entitles you to receive a generous 25 percent discount on Dr. Fuhrman’s popular must-have items for your Nutritarian pantry. Stock up on no-oil salad dressings; flavored vinegars; no-salt, raw nuts and nut butters; a variety of great-tasting seasoning and spices; and healthful bean pasta and wild rice. And don’t forget the amazing — and amazingly convenient — Dr. Fuhrman line of prepared sauces and soups. You will get dinner on the table fast with Dr. Fuhrman’s flavorful stir-fry sauces, useful condiments, and prepared delicious soups. For a nutritious, easy dessert, try Dr. Fuhrman’s good-for-you Bars and Pop’ems, all made with healthful dried fruit, nuts and seeds.
In addition, your membership also allows you to receive a 25 percent discount on Dr. Fuhrman’s best-selling books, (available in print, as digital downloads, or as audiobooks), and his entertaining and informative DVDs. Use this ample discount to learn more about the science behind the Nutritarian diet or to enjoy one of Dr. Fuhrman’s popular cookbooks. Dr. Fuhrman’s newest book, Fast Food Genocide, is due out October 17, and is available to preorder now.
Johanna “Jo-Jo” Stefano, M.S. is a Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. She holds a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and has completed Dr. Fuhrman’s advanced coursework in Nutritarian studies. Jo-Jo is highly trained in Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian approach making her well equipped to help you adopt this program into your current lifestyle. Jo-Jo's goal is to empower her clients to transform their relationship with food, their body, and their health. She guides and assists clients in attaining sustainable weight loss, reducing food cravings, increasing energy and managing stress. As a wife and working mother of two young children, Jo-Jo understands the challenges of developing and maintaining a healthful and balanced lifestyle and is committed to help you overcome the obstacles in your path.
9 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Membership
September 08, 2017 by Johanna "Jo-Jo" Stefano, M.S.
Membership has many privileges, but are you taking advantage of yours to the fullest? As a member of, you have the opportunity to be guided to a healthier version of you! Being a member gives you a wealth of information to achieve and maintain your optimal weight, prevent and reverse disease, and live a long, healthy life. Browse our extensive library, find mealtime inspiration with over 1,600 recipes in our Nutritarian Recipe Database, monitor your progress with our Health Tracker, see what Dr. Fuhrman has to say and get the support you need. Here are some of the most popular features on to inspire you.
Don’t Know What to Eat? There’s a Meal Plan to Suit Your Needs.
Achieving superior health can at first seem overwhelming. Membership makes it easier. Dr. Fuhrman provides 2 weeks of meal plans for all types of health goals or concerns. For example, there is a meal plan for aggressive weight loss as well as one for those who are physically active and want to gain or maintain their weight. Other meal plans are directed for people with autoimmune issues, diabetes, and cancer. These meal plans make it easy for you to achieve your health goals.
Join Dr. Fuhrman Live on Facebook.
Have 30 minutes? Facebook Live presentations allow our members the opportunity to send online questions to Dr. Fuhrman and hear his responses live while watching him demonstrate cooking techniques, impart valuable health information and share Nutritarian lifestyle tips. If you miss a Live broadcast, log in and go to the LEARN tab, click on LIBRARY to see past Live chats.
You can also watch informative product videos or view the mini Nutri-Bite series of videos which feature 1 to 3 minute answers to questions about food, cooking and exercise.
Browse the Learning Library.
Rather read than watch? Explore our member library of more than 100 articles to further your understanding of Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian principles or get the most up-to-date information on Dr. Fuhrman’s protocols for chronic diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Parkinson’s disease by downloading Dr. Fuhrman’s Position Papers on these and other health topics.
Take a Deep Dive into our videoconference and webinar libraries.
Want to find out how to handle food bullies? Or learn which blood tests Nutritarians need? These and 75 other timely and interesting topics are available for you to explore.
Use the Vitamin Advisor and Health Tracker
Getting the optimal amounts of vitamins and minerals can be tricky and proper supplementation can fill gaps. By answering a few simple questions you can get a personalized assessment of your needs, or the needs of your loved ones, to create a supplement plan in as little as 10 minutes. As a member who enjoys discounts on vitamins, you can save your plan, and make updates if your health information changes.
Looking for a place where you can keep your medical history organized in one convenient spot? When you set up a profile in our online Health Tracker, your weight, blood pressure, blood test results and other medical data will be at your fingertips. You’ll be able to track your results over time as you follow the Nutritarian diet, and even print out your data to review with your doctor. Best of all, seeing your health markers improve over time provides tremendous motivation to maintain your healthy lifestyle.
Receive Advice or Learn What Dr. Fuhrman and His Associates Have To Say.
Wonder who you can talk to about how to get your health back on track? Dr. Fuhrman and his associate doctors spend hours a day answering questions in Ask the Doctor.
Get Feedback from Our Food Addiction Specialist and Others in Our Nutritarian Network.
Learn the skills you need to reach your health goals from our Food Addiction Specialist or glean knowledge from other Nutritarians. You can also form new friendships and pay it forward. Dr. Fuhrman’s Member Communities like Nutritarian Network, or Ask the Food Addiction Specialist make sure you stay on track. Whether you need an answer to a health question or just need the support of a listening ear, you will find it in our one of our special online forums.
Make Meal Prep More Convenient.
Use the convenience of the organizer found under the Recipe tab to store your favorite Nutritarian recipes in a customized recipe box. Or make your next grocery shopping trip uncomplicated by easily creating a list of items you need to buy using the My Grocery List tool.
Need Extra Help in the Kitchen? Enjoy a Substantial Discount on Dr. Fuhrman Products.
Your membership entitles you to receive a generous 25 percent discount on Dr. Fuhrman’s popular must-have items for your Nutritarian pantry. Stock up on no-oil salad dressings; flavored vinegars; no-salt, raw nuts and nut butters; a variety of great-tasting seasoning and spices; and healthful bean pasta and wild rice. And don’t forget the amazing — and amazingly convenient — Dr. Fuhrman line of prepared sauces and soups. You will get dinner on the table fast with Dr. Fuhrman’s flavorful stir-fry sauces, useful condiments, and prepared delicious soups. For a nutritious, easy dessert, try Dr. Fuhrman’s good-for-you Bars and Pop’ems, all made with healthful dried fruit, nuts and seeds.
In addition, your membership also allows you to receive a 25 percent discount on Dr. Fuhrman’s best-selling books, (available in print, as digital downloads, or as audiobooks), and his entertaining and informative DVDs. Use this ample discount to learn more about the science behind the Nutritarian diet or to enjoy one of Dr. Fuhrman’s popular cookbooks. Dr. Fuhrman’s newest book, Fast Food Genocide, is due out October 17, and is available to preorder now.
Johanna “Jo-Jo” Stefano, M.S. is a Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer. She holds a Master’s Degree in Nutrition and has completed Dr. Fuhrman’s advanced coursework in Nutritarian studies. Jo-Jo is highly trained in Dr. Fuhrman’s Nutritarian approach making her well equipped to help you adopt this program into your current lifestyle. Jo-Jo's goal is to empower her clients to transform their relationship with food, their body, and their health. She guides and assists clients in attaining sustainable weight loss, reducing food cravings, increasing energy and managing stress. As a wife and working mother of two young children, Jo-Jo understands the challenges of developing and maintaining a healthful and balanced lifestyle and is committed to help you overcome the obstacles in your path.