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Nutritarian Essentials BundleEat for Health (Paperback) • Secrets to Healthy Cooking (DVD) • Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI Food Scoring Guide (Paperback)

Bundle: $45.84 (if sold separately $47.93)
Member Pricing: $34.38 (if sold separately $35.94)
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A great introduction to Dr. Fuhrman’s nutrient-dense, plant-rich eating style, the Nutritarian Essentials Bundle includes: Eat for Health (paperback), in which Dr. Fuhrman shows readers how to transition into this healthy eating style and retrain their taste to prefer healthier fare. In Secrets of Nutritarian Cooking (DVD), Dr. Fuhrman and his wife Lisa take you into the kitchen to demonstrate Nutritarian cooking techniques and teach you how to prepare great-tasting and high-nutrient recipes. The Nutritarian Handbook and ANDI Food Scoring Guide (paperback) is a concise instructional guide to the Nutritarian diet with a comprehensive list of ANDI scores. This quick reference guide also offers side-by-side analysis of SAD and Nutritarian meals.