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Simple Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Category: Desserts

These cookies are simply delicious and so easy to make. They contain just six ingredients that you probably already have on hand.

  • Recipe
  • My Notes
  • Nutrition Facts
  • Ratings & Comments (18)


2 cups old fashioned oats
1 teaspoon cinnamon
4 ripe bananas, peeled
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds, chopped
1/4 cup raw almonds, chopped
1/4 cup raisins


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Process the oats into a flour using a food processor or high-powered blender. Place in a mixing bowl and mix in the cinnamon.

Puree the bananas in the food processor or blender and add to the oat mixture along with the sunflower seeds, almonds and raisins. Mix until well combined.

Drop tablespoons of cookie dough onto the baking sheet. Flatten each cookie slightly.
Bake 12 minutes or until lightly browned.

Makes about 15 cookies.

My Notes: (Click Edit to enter your notes about this recipe)

Serves 15

Per Serving:

Calories 98
Protein 3 g
Carbohydrates 17 g
Total Fat 2.9 g
Saturated Fat 0.3 g
Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Fiber 2.5 g
Beta-Carotene 9 ug
Vitamin C 3 mg
Calcium 10 mg
Iron 3 mg
Folate 12 ug
Magnesium 21 mg
Zinc 0.2 mg
Selenium 1.6 ug

My Rating: 
(click on a star to select your rating)


06/22/2023 07:55 PM

Rated this recipe:

Simple, easy, and delicious!  I doubled the cinnamon, and thawed frozen bananas.

This comment was last edited on 11/12/2023 08:10 PM


09/16/2022 09:36 PM

Rated this recipe:

Simple in deed! And delicious to boot! This recipe saved me from throwing out some fast ripening bananas. And in my quest to find a good healthy cookie, this simple oatmeal cookie is the best so far.

This comment was last edited on 09/16/2022 09:37 PM

Ammy07 replies:

10/03/2022 01:37 PM

Rated this recipe: (no rating)

RickandRuth, you can always peel then freeze the bananas for later use in a recipe that calls for frozen bananas, like Dr. Fuhrman's nice cream recipes.  They're delicious that way too.  Enjoy. 


12/31/2018 04:02 PM

Rated this recipe:

I really like this recipe. It'll be a keeper. My fresh bananas weren't very ripe, so I thawed some frozen bananas I keep on hand for smoothies and nice cream. They had a bit more liquid than fresh bananas, so I added about 1/2 cup more oats. I was afraid to squish them down before baking, thinking they'd spread too much. They actually don't spread at all, so I'll shape them next time. I think I'll also try making breakfast bars or cookie bars with this recipe, because it's the ideal texture and density for that.



02/15/2016 08:24 PM

Rated this recipe:

I doubled the cinnamon, added a teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice, substituted the bananas with 16oz pumpkin, and then added 1/4-1/3 C vegan, sugar-free chocolate chips.



05/31/2015 11:22 PM

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One cup of rolled oats will yield approximately 1 cup of oat flour.


05/31/2015 02:31 PM

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If I already have oat flour, can anyone tell me the ratio of unground oats (or nuts, for that matter) to ground. In other words, if I need 2 C. of oats for this recipe, how much ground oat flour would I use? Thanks! I wonder about that a lot with various recipes. I am lucky to have sources locally for, say, almond flour or oat flour, so I don't need to make my own, but don't want to wreck a recipe by adding too much!

Georges_Canard replies:

12/15/2018 08:40 PM

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I checked online for substituuting oat flour for oats.  I found this ratio: 1 & 1/4 cup oat flour for 1 cup of old fashioned oats or rolled oats.  Since the comment below says cup for a cup, I would start with 1 cup and add the extra 1/4 cup as needed.



05/30/2015 08:56 PM

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I added ~1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes, 1 tablespoon ground flax, doubled the cinnamon. Spread the mixture it in a 9x9 cake pan, baked 350 for 20 min in a convection toaster oven, and drizzled melted 100% cacao tablets to drizzle on top. Cut into 16 bars. Yum! This recipe makes a great base!


05/30/2015 10:40 AM

Rated this recipe: (no rating)

Allergic to Alomonds. Any good subs for this?


05/29/2015 05:05 PM

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I'm pretty sure you can substitute pumpkin (canned). I've seen another recipe like this online. Probably a cup of pumpkin?


05/29/2015 04:22 PM

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Can you substitute something for the banana? I like bananas as themselves, but have never liked things flavored with bananas. I've tried other recipes and the banana always bothers me--would applesauce work? or even avocado?


05/29/2015 01:07 PM

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Has anybody tried with unsweetened applesauce and then used Stevia as a sweetener. Also is pure unsweetend CoCo Powdwer?


05/29/2015 12:05 PM

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For how long we can keep them ?


12/05/2012 01:13 PM

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At first I didn't care for them, but now I find them delicious. They must taste better as they sit or my tastebuds are changing. Sometimes I add a dab of 100% fruit spread for added sweetness.


07/19/2011 12:26 PM

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I liked it. Just sweet enough for dessert and I didn't crave sugar, which helps.


03/27/2011 04:30 PM

Rated this recipe: (no rating)

This is a very easy recipe and very good. I sometimes add unsweetened applesauce if it is needs more moisture.


02/22/2011 03:24 PM

Rated this recipe:

I really like this easy recipe and it was perfect to freeze for my 11 month old grandson as a healthy snack. (I chopped the raisins for him)
This comment was last edited on 02/22/2011 03:26 PM


12/06/2010 08:37 PM

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I don't think you use any flour. The oats are taking the place of the flour.


12/05/2010 08:11 AM

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how much flour???