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Hormone Replacement Therapy

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What's Inside:

  • Menopausal Symptoms and Hormone Replacement Therapy
    Risks associated with hormone replacement therapy
  • History of Hormone Therapy
    Learn the ingredients that went into this recipe for disaster
  • Bio-Identical Hormones
    Similarity to natural hormones is no guarantee of safety
  • Closer Look at Hormones
    Estrogens and other hormones used for HRT

The use of hormone replacement therapy to aid in menopausal symptoms has been a popular therapy since the 1960s. These hormones are praised in magazine articles and books, leading women to believe that they have no risks. However, even though hormone replacement therapy has some proven benefits, studies have shown that it also increases a women’s risk of breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke.

There are always risks when you fool with nature, and we must be cautious when using any type of drug or hormonal therapy. For the best protection against menopausal symptoms, a woman should stay slim, exercise and eat a diet rich in cruciferous vegetables and other greens for years prior to menopause. If a hormone therapy is necessary, there are forms and amounts that are safer than others, when used properly, and every woman deserves to know the associated risks involved.