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Tips for Writing Your Success Story

Thank you for choosing to share your success story with Dr. Fuhrman and his readers.

Every person’s journey to health is unique, and yet there are also elements to each story that we can all relate to: what inspired you to change your eating style, your early struggles, your strategies, and your victories. Each story is a window into the life of someone who made the commitment to achieve optimal health. Each story can inspire someone who is starting out, or who might be in need of some encouragement along the way.

When writing your story, don’t worry about sounding formal or being very technical. Use your own voice and write as much (or as little) as you want. When composing your story, we suggest doing it in a word-processing program first. When you have a final version, just copy and paste it into the "Tell us Your Success Story" field in the form

Here are some questions that might help you when composing your story.

These are only suggestions—answer as many or as few as you want. 

  • Why did you start the Nutritarian diet? How has it changed your life?
  • How did you first learn about Dr. Fuhrman?
  • What kinds of fad diets did you try? How did those diets fail you?
  • How did your health issues limit you in your daily life?
  • What was your biggest challenge during your transition to a Nutritarian diet?
  • What was the easiest part about making the transition?
  • How has your health changed?
  • What can you do now that you couldn't do before?
  • What is the biggest life change you have experienced now that you are living the Nutritarian lifestyle?
  • What advice would you give someone beginning a Nutritarian lifestyle?

Please note:

  • All personal information such as address, phone number, and email is kept strictly confidential.
  • Refer to our Consent and Release Agreement found at the bottom of the submission form before submitting your story.
  • Once submitted, your story will be reviewed prior to being made visible to all visitors to Stories may be edited for length, grammar and clarity.

It is our belief that these stories will inspire others to live healthier lives. On behalf of the Dr. Fuhrman Online community we thank you for submitting your success story, and wish you continued success in the future.