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Many individuals who follow the Nutritarian diet write to Dr. Fuhrman about their success. Keep in mind that results vary from person to person. As always, consult your physician if you have a medical history and/or condition that may warrant individual recommendations.

Sadie's Story

After her young son was subject to painful procedures Sadie followed Disease Proof Your Child guidelines and her child is free of ear infections  

We have five children and we all strive to eat a plant-based diet .Our journey toward this way of life began when I was seeking help for our third child's recurring ear infections. I found that help in Dr. Fuhrman's book Disease Proof Your Child. My only regret is that I did not find his  book sooner.

Before reading the book I totally relied on the information of our well-meaning, but conventional, pediatrician and otolaryngologist. After rounds and rounds of antibiotics we were advised, as most Americans are, to put tubes in our twelve month old son's ears. I was not comfortable doing this, but being continually told that it was the best solution, finally gave in to the procedure. A few months afterwards we returned to the otolaryngologist for a check-up. We were told the tubes had already fallen out and now his ear drums would heal. Over  a year later we found out his left ear drum had never closed properly. This explained why whenever our son got any liquid in his ear he was in excruciating pain. We were then sent to another specialist who advised the best solution was an in-office procedure where he burns the ear drum causing the hole to heal together. Again, I blindly followed the doctor's advice allowing him to do the procedure on my small son. It was horrible. After leaving the doctor's office I sat in my car in the parking lot weeping while staring at my  exhausted sleeping child  in the back seat.

Only months later I learned that the hole had not healed as it should. I could not believe all I had put my baby through and he was still having ear infections. I was at the end of my rope. Not knowing where to turn, and no longer trusting the doctors, I searched  the internet for advice. By the grace of God I stumbled upon Dr. Fuhrman's book. I poured over the pages and would read long passages to my husband in bed at night. I was shocked that I had never heard any of this information before. It seemed too good to be true that dietary changes could make such an impact. I decided it was worth a try as everything the other doctors recommended had not  worked. We immediately began implementing the information in the book . We changed the way our entire family ate. I reasoned  if it would help Aidan it was good for all the rest of us as well. The biggest change for the kids was giving up dairy, but we found substitutions that worked for us. It turned out our entire family loved almond milk.

We have been working towards bettering our diet for over five years now. Aidan has not had a single ear infection since we began this new way of life! I am shocked and saddened. I wish I had Dr. Fuhrman' book sooner. I honestly believe I could have saved my son so much pain. The two children I  had after Aidan have never had a single ear infection. In fact, our entire family has been very healthy since making the change to a plant-based diet. I am so very thankful to Dr. Fuhrman for sharing this information. I pass it along every chance I get. I only wish it was more mainstream. I think every family needs to hear it, if only more would listen.

Results may vary.

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